Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Blog!!!!!

Just an FYI, this blog has moved to....
a new blog
so update the rss feeds and what-nots!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Denise and Morgan;Engagement Shoot in Elizabeth Park;Hartford, CT

Meet Denise, Morgan, and the cutest Golden Retriever I've ever seen, Copper. Seriously, he looks like a giant teddy bear! I had the pleasure of shooting Denise and Morgan's engagement session in Elizabeth Park in Hartford and it as a blast. No pep talk needed for these two. They are naturally drawn to each other, and made my job simple. Add that to the fact that the rain held out just for us, and you get a great session!!! Here are a few of my favorite shots.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lucy and Chris; Maternity Session in Watebury

Lucy and Chris are expecting their daughter in June this year. This is their first baby and they were kind enough to invite me into their home and document this wonderful time in their lives. I had my way with the baby bump but those shots are just for Lucy and Chris!
The natural chemistry between these two was amazing, and I really enjoyed capturing the love that they share. Baby girl Sipe is going to be one lucky bundle of joy to grow up surrounded by so much love. Congratulations guys and thank you for sharing!

I *HEART* this first shot.....can anyone say canvas?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Julie and Mike: Sneak Peek; Engagement Session in Kent, Ct

Meet Julie and Mike...two of the most laid back, go with the flow, "what'evs" kind of people I have ever meet. We had their engagement session this past Sunday at Kent Falls CT and man did they rock-it-out! Even Penny, their Beagle mix, was willing to smile pretty for the camera. Mike also has a soft spot for classic cars, so we did a few shots with one of his "babies" as well. Looking forward to shooting the wedding in June guys!

Here are a few of my favorite shots of the day. Make sure to leave lots of comments for Julie and Mike. I'll be announcing a competition soon for which ever of my couples this year that gets the most comments on all of their combined posts on the blog!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lindsey and Dan; Love shoot in Milford, CT

I'm glad to introduce to the world Lindsey and Dan, who are two of the coolest (with a capital "C" ) people on the planet.
Lindsey and Dan absolutely killed their engagement session this weekend in Milford, CT. Their love and friendship is infectious and I loved every minute of this shoot. Here are a few of my favorite shots of the afternoon. I can't wait to shoot your wedding guys!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kelly & Mike: Wedding at Candlewood Inn, Brookfield, CT

Once again I had the opportunity to second shoot for Mr. Amazing himself Eric Langlois of Raw Photo Design. It's always a pleasure and a blast.
Meet Kelly and Mike....they were such a fun couple to work with. They were both very laid back and up for anything! Congratulations you guys! You both are a compliment to one another. I wish you many years of love and happiness!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mystic Seaport: Mystic Connecticut, Hanging With my Four Boys

Joe and I were crawling the walls this past weekend and decided we had to get out of the house. Although it was not the most perfect weather ever....we decided to head over to Mystic Seaport with the boys for the day.

We all had a ball...Bran and Noah got to run around, and Christian got to hang out with Joe and I and have great conversation. I got to play with my new camera, and so Joe got to have a camera to himself for once. It was a blast. With the busi-ness that goes on in this family on a day to day basis, it was nice just to BE...
Just to be with my boys, with nowhere to go......and nowhere to be!


Christian again....I thought this made an interesting shot....

Guess who got to play? I'm not going to lie this shot does something for me :)

Joe took this shot of the reflection in a window.

And Joe took this shot of me against this uber cool wall that we found on our way out of Mystic.

Bran lost both of his front teeth 2 days apart, I wanted to get a shot of the toothless wonder before the big ones come in.

I love the look in Christian's eyes intense!

This is going to be a canvas on my wall in the very near future!!!!!

I love this shot! I love how all 3 of them are doing something different with their hands. And how Bran is trying to be just like Christian by giving me "the stare", and how Noah has no clue what to do!...Priceless.